Saturday, October 13, 2012

It was a Graveyard Smash...

Koona t'chuta Solo? (Going somewhere Solo?)

Well tonight was the Monster Con!!! It is the first time that they have ever done an event quite like this. This was a collection of vendors, groups and ghouls of all sorts. One vendor was selling the most amazing cupcakes...with an eye on them!! It was a free event and by my estimation it was a complete success. I have a personal connection to this event because I was part of the commercial promoting this event. I was a zombie demon...naturally ;)

There were tons of people in costumes tonight. Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Wolf Man and ghouls and goblins of all kinds. There was a lady dressed as Rose from a zombie.  Pokemon was represented and some furry creatures, that I am not sure of their origins. A mutilated sexy nurse caught my eye and took a picture of her.  I saw a Ghostbuster, who I guess was slacking on the job tonight, haha. There were zombie Star Wars and regular Star Wars characters. Yes, my kind of people. :)

By now, you might be wondering, Jonathan, did you dress up? Were you brave enough or just a spectator tonight? The answer is....yes and no. I did indeed dress up as Greedo from the first Star Wars film. It was a costume that I worked on all summer long. It started with me buying the mask off Ebay. And it wasn't cheap. Ha! It was actually a spirited auction and I was lucky enough to win it. The reason that I was so interested in Greedo is actually because my niece likes him. I bought her a mask last year as well as many other Greedo toys. But I digress. The next big purchase was the costume. It is a detailed jumpsuit and a vest. I actually paid less for the costume than I did the mask. It was from a company from China on Ebay once again. It was actually a very easy process. I sent in my sizes and they had it made in less than a month and delivered to me.  I found the boots on Ebay, they are good but way too tight, I am gonna explore finding new ones. The gloves I bought at a costume store and spray painted green and they look great. The gun I bought off a friend of mine. So now you know the back story...

This was actually my first public appearance as Greedo and I thought it was the perfect venue.  When I walked through the Crossroads Mall, the venue of Monster Con, I was immediately asked to pose for pictures. THIS IS WHY I DO THE THINGS I DO. I love making people happy. They see me and the Star Wars nerds know exactly who I am. People my age, older and younger than me, love Greedo. I could have easily dressed as a Jedi, I do own a costume and a lightsabre. But I like Greedo, he was only in one movie but he is also kind of controversial because of the big debate on whether he shot first or not. Star Wars geeks, I am not getting into that right now...but Han shot first!!!! :)

But like I was saying, I like making people happy, correction I love making people happy. I posed for tons of pictures in the brief time I was in costume. They loved my pose with the gun. I took pictures with kids, and kids of all ages. It really warms my heart when they come up to me. But the smile on their faces when they walk away is priceless.   I did mention a brief time because honestly, I was very uncomfortable in the boots and had to repeatedly keep removing my mask so I could breathe. It was extremely sweaty and left a funky smell that stayed on my face.

With all that said, would I do it all over again? Without a doubt!!! Making people happy makes me happy. It is very important to find the things in life that make you happy and when you do figure out what those things are: do it as much as possible!!!  :)

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